
Around the house

He's earned his tractor! Finally, Griffin poo'd on the potty! Hooray Griffin!
The sibling bond... something I didn't think of when we were expecting our second child. But something I truly enjoy to watch. How boring life would be for one of them with out the other! One night they were doing their normal running about and having fun when Emerson was laughing so hard she could hardly breathe. These are the moments I'm glad my husband is home each night to share.
"Yeah!" Emerson learned to clap quite awhile ago, but now she claps whenever she's excited. The other night we were watching Wheel of Fortune (our nightly ritual) after they announced, "Wheel of Fortune!" the crowd claps and so was Emerson. This show will forever be ingrained in our family memories as Griffin used to shout the word "Fortune!" and giggle.... however it took Keir and I awhile before we could understand what he was yelling and giggling about!
Emerson's new pretty dress made by Grandma Janis. I bought one at the Farmer's Market and mom thought she should try and make more. Here's the link if you'd like one! Juniper Berries

Since I am normally the one behind the camera, I love to get a shot of me and my little ones. Here's me and Em (10 months old).

1 comment:

  1. That is one PROUD smile on Griffin's face! And I know what you mean about the sibling bond...I'm so glad my girls have had each other from the start!
