
Baby Stuff Sale- this way!

It's that time of year, the annual city wide garage sale weekend. I've been putting away boxes for the last year, stated cleaning the garage a month ago (it needed a HUGE cleaning), started the let's simplify attitude for the last year or so, and have been making signs, marking, hanging clothes, toys, and everything that has to do with baby or is no longer used around here. Tomorrow is the big day. I even had the morning "can't sleeps" thinking of all there is still to do- finding a way to post the signs.

Now I see I have a attraction to shoes and hats.

So long baby toys!

Thank you Jenn & Nate for making and borrowing these awesome cloth racks!

I feel like I'm a teacher again. Preparing meals (not lessons) for two days in advance and getting everything laid out for the babysitters. Thanks Jeanne for being so great and taking the kids for the whole day. You are so great and the kids LOVE you ooodles... as do I!
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1 comment:

  1. Those ARE awesome clothes racks! You'll have to let me know what you end up with leftover. Not that we're in need of any "stuff" really...but we do get to find out the sex of our new baby next week!
