
A New Tradition

Griffin had his last day of school (pre-preschool) this week.
From Drop Box
With it, we started a new family tradition of going to the DQ on the last day.  The kids were thrilled to have their first ice-cream cones on the season.
From Drop Box
From Drop Box
Mama was thrilled to have a night off of cooking.  I've been in a what-to-cook slump!  Do you have any great spring recipe ideas (preferably quick to make).  Our time playing outside each day is growing, so I have little time to cook!


  1. Hey Tricia - This is one of Jan's photographer friends that posts a "Meal Plan Monday" with some stellar recipes. I'll vouch for them since Jan has tried so many of them!


    She also just ran her first 10K and we took pictures of her at it so check those out!

    Later, Chris

  2. I love the tradition of going out for ice cream. We do it here too, but at Liberty Custard. Can't wait to see photos of your garden. Will it ever stop raining? :)
