
rollin' rollin' rollin'

12:54 3-4cm dilated, 0 station, %80 effaced

No, thats not the instructions for mixing E85, its Tricia's stats!!!
Things are moving well.
Contractions are about 3-4 minutes apart. Baby and mommy are doing well.

Dave, our student nurse, and had lunch. Don't worry, Tricia allowed us.
Between our nurse Jenny, Doula Kathy and student nurse Dave, there is no shortage of knowledgeable, caring people here. We are definitely in good hands.

Patience seems to be the challenge at hand at the moment.


  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Good job Keir & Tricia! Keir go home and let the dogs out again, then Tricia will progress even more! Any bets on the time of the birth. I pick 1-11-07, 3:38pm. 8# 8 1/2 oz, 21 1/2", not much hair but the prettiest little baby in the nursery and world!

    Love you!


  2. Go Tricia!!! Jan, Cayden, Dylan and I are cheering for you! We can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl. I'm sure it will be named Chris or Christina though. ;)

    The Vokals

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM


    Dr. Haglin wants to know if you are running Linux on your laptop in the hospital? Go Tricia go! I'll be you dinner that that baby comes this afternoon!

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Hey gang!

    Awesome progress, only faster from here!

    Just think, before you know it this will all be over and the prize will come forth for all to see. Just get to a 7 and from there it is history if you are at all like me.

    Love you all! Can't Wait! Lora and the Gang
